Cloud computing has gone from being the new kid on the block to being the seasoned expert that has revamped current IT and business strategies. From being a tool that aided digital businesses, cloud computing now helps organizations enhance their applications across the board. Cloud computing is a necessity; indeed, it is so commonplace that businesses of all sizes are adopting a cloud-first or a cloud-only approach. Gartner estimates that less than one-third of enterprises have a documented cloud strategy, which shows the extent to which such a powerful tool is being underutilized. Cloud computing helps organizations heavily reduce their capital expenditure, but it also reduces management, monitoring, and governance efforts. It is the one-stop solution for companies to simplify their ever-growing overcomplicated IT.

Cloud providers help you simplify your IT resources and ensure that you have cloud experts expediting deployment, operations, and troubleshooting. It means that your data is as secure as possible, especially with a private cloud deployment. Besides the cost savings on hosting your IT on the cloud, it eliminates the hassles associated with scaling the data center as your business grows. Data is much more mobile with the cloud that optimizes collaboration like never before. Contingency plans need to be put in place for eventualities that can disrupt the business and the workplace, as cloud computing offers a robust Business Continuity plan—the extent of observability and monitoring that cloud offers organizations is a competitive advantage like no other.

Gartner states that through 2024, 80% of companies that do not adequately operate and utilize their cloud resources will overspend by 20 to 50%. Implementing a cloud strategy requires organizations to effectively utilize their resources by clearly demarcating the resources as per the requirements of the applications and business departments. Organizations can follow some best practices that use their cloud resources effectively. Organizations need to align the priorities of cloud adoption effectively. A standard guideline ensures that any misaligned objectives can prevent delays in any deployment, hinders the scaling of cloud resources effectively. The lesson that most organizations need to learn is this: what makes cloud the right solution for your company is the way you adapt to it. 

Several strategies can help companies test the waters, a cloud-first or a cloud-only strategy needs to be assessed and tested; it makes a world of difference in the way that your business can adapt to it. When it comes to cloud computing, there is only one key differentiator: Strategy. Identifying the right candidate workloads for testing or deployment is often the first step that most organizations consider. While it is vital to ensure that companies pick the right cloud service provider, it is essential to understand that cloud is not just a technical tool, it aids management directly and should be assessed as such. The business value of your cloud workloads, figure out which of your workloads are ready for the cloud. It saves more time and money in migration and reduces additional efforts on behalf of companies. You can have one size that kind of fits all or a customized approach that solves all your IT hassles. There is only one way to achieve this; you guessed it. Strategy.

Visit the United Private Cloud website today, to get a complete IT Estate Assessment that helps you navigate a seamless cloud adoption strategy.