A few years ago, from 2015, cloud transformation was a new concept in everyone’s vocabulary, and few dared to see the past and invest more in this technology. 2020 has seen an enormous surge in cloud budget. There is nothing more exciting than just being part of the change and seeing tech development. 

Covid-19 cast a very long shadow around 2020. Fundamental changes some temporary, some permanent happened due to a pandemic which impacted virtually every quarter of the company world. As this shadow expands to 2021, cloud transformation will continue to evolve to accommodate this new truth. These five trends, specifically, will have a significant influence.

  • Work from home and Mobility:

A newly-created remote workforce will alter the workplace surroundings; however, there is considerably more at stake since people leave the office, and business IT has to prepare.

Because of the worldwide beginning of COVID-19, companies have started to change their working models and quickly introduce new means of working for their employees. The pandemic happened as many businesses were seeking cloud computing systems to empower advanced data operations, which will consequently accelerate. Inside this, you will read about the five cloud transformation trends.

Work from home will further quicken a Cloud transformation away from dangerously concentrated IT solutions to cloud-based alternatives that may be obtained anywhere there is an online connection. Networks, devices and applications will all must be rethought and redeployed. 

As businesses offload physical hardware into employee-owned, VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and DaaS (Desktop-as-a-Service) will become more prevalent.

  • Multi-Cloud and Breakdown of barriers between Cloud ProvidersThe times of only public cloud deployments have been all gone. Indeed, driven with the many technology choices, possible cost savings and the demand for business stability, it is noted that 93% of companies are moving to some multicloud structure and installation, leveraging multiple people in addition to hybrid providers.

    Cloud transformation will be the backbone of this data-driven and app-based technology ecosystem which have helped us handle development and change. Many suppliers of cloud providers have encouraged their programs because of a one-stop-shop for most cloud-related services.

    In 2021, viewing that many organisations will need to incorporate their whole ecosystems, multi-cloud or hybrid solutions might be a terrific choice to think about, according to several industry specialists. Multi-cloud implies that companies can include platforms from various suppliers, thereby making it a lot easier to share and communicate information with partners from the distribution chain, irrespective of their programs or information criteria. But, there’s one challenge: suppliers lose the capability to plagiarise greater cloud ability in addition to other services.

  • AI in Cloud Transformation

A digital revolution is currently underway. Technology permeates all facets of our society: communication, education, medication, transport, agriculture, and manufacturing. Cryptocurrencies are interrupting banking strategies. Hyperconnectivity–via communication systems, detectors, wearables, and smart devices–has blurred the boundary between the physical and digital worlds. 

AI has attained sudden peaks and has aided tech by simplifying business processes. Integrating AI and cloud transformation may enable businesses to be more successful, tactical, and insight-driven and help them achieve cost savings and agility vital in the cloud. Along with this, AI may have a massive effect on the worth of many businesses. 

As technology evolves, AI may be used to make improved processes which are widely independent. What’s more, it may aid with information management by tracking, analysing, and directing it suitably and deeper. AI may also help organisations reduce their prices.

  • Serverless computing:

Serverless computing is a process of supplying backend solutions in an as-used foundation. A business which gets backend services by a serverless seller is billed dependent on their computation and also don’t need to book and pay for a determined amount of bandwidth or quantity of servers, since the agency is currently auto-scaling. Although the title is serverless, bodily servers continue to be used, but programmers don’t have to know about them.

Serverless computing has seen an increase in popularity because of extensive improvement. This can be due to the increasing requirement for traditional innovation to go serverless to get headways. It reallocates that the whole base by isolating the beginning and finish aside from the program.

  • New Kinds of Security risk:

As so often is the case, security follows and precedes virtually every kind of IT development. Such is the case with the change to virtual services, as the venture digital perimeter expands, and the security envelope becomes stretched.

Instead of maintaining a firewall around a tight physical area, the challenge for security professionals in 2021 will begin at the endpoint — wherever and whatever it’s – and work backwards toward the centre. Security standards for residential networks and equipment are far different from business settings — a fact not lost on cybercriminals.

Securing cloud-based WFH (Work from Home) for employees in the coming year will probably take one of two paths, based on size. Companies that could manage it, moving into a zero-trust security model resembling SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) architecture will make sense. For those who cannot adjust to the new reality, existing solutions, such as DNS security will be instituted at an accelerated rate. Either way, worker security training (e.g., phishing attack) will be required.


2021 will continue the cloud transformation, a tendency many organisations are intending to embrace. With the development of 5G, adopting multi-cloud calculating IT infrastructure, and enhanced usage of AI and ML at the day-to-day company operations, organisations are getting ready to be a part of the next revolution.

The uptake of cloud will undoubtedly continue to grow, given its utility and capability to adapt spikes and lulls in use, in the cloudy months ahead.

Organisations that may have been hasty in their choice of cloud product or providers can migrate into alternate solutions that better suit their requirements. They’ll also need to bring their people with them because they present more cloud components later on, and change into the cloud-native design.

Firms realise that the implementations, whether cloud-first or hybrid, have many advantages. They will be investing in such options to iron out the kinks and ensure they are robust enough to carry them through 2021 and beyond, regardless of what the future looks like.

How United Private Cloud can help you in Cloud Transformation?

We have a wholly operated business support service for 24/7/365 with 15 min time for response together with expert escalation every half an hour. With 99.999% high availability N+M clusters, United Private Cloud has a computing, software-defined network, and storage services. Our great sense of customer project recognition means that we are continually working to provide solutions. 

This sense of identity also implies that we respect and facilitate smooth communication with our customers’ teams and guarantee that the best value is received. 

Companies are opting for United Private Cloud to receive gains in performances, cost reduction, adapt quickly to unforeseen contingencies, and overcome data sovereignty effectively along with worldwide enforcement requirements. To better understand what else United Private Cloud has in store for you, register today for a free trial.

Cloud Migration in 8 Steps

Cloud Migration in 8 Steps

We can all agree that cloud migration has been an Unstoppable force, infiltrating nearly all aspects of IT from cloud servers and storage to applications, voice, and collaboration solutions. Everything from the technology stack has been heading towards being cloud-based or software-defined in the previous five decades. When it is not automatic, subscription-based, or reachable remotely, it’s probably on its way out.

Many businesses now find themselves rushing into Digital transformation and cloud migration without ultimately understanding or preparation for it. It is an essential element in staying important, innovative, and aggressive in the industry. Regrettably, the cloud migration errors made today will have considerable, long-lasting consequences in the future.

In this blog, we will also look at eight critical actions to plan your migration out into the cloud.

Does Migrating to Cloud Make Sense?

Moving workload to the cloud is not only a smart option, but additionally, it is crucial to IT plans and digital transformation initiatives.

By doing Cloud Migration, organisations can reduce operational costs, boost productivity, enhance business strategies, and improve profitability and growth.

The potent combination of public, private, and hybrid infrastructure will fulfil the needs of any workload from hosting mission-critical enterprise applications and databases in the cloud into a High-Performance Compute (HPC) for scientific study. 

What are the 8 Steps for Successful Cloud Migration?

  • Develop a Cloud Migration Strategy:

Cloud migration is the procedure of transferring data, applications or other business components to some cloud computing environment. 

Now moving to the first step of Cloud Migration, don’t jump in the cloud and hope that it all gets sorted out along the way. Cloud migrations require preparation, input, and strategy. Would you know which applications and data are cloud-ready? Do you want to start with the least mission-critical workloads? Do you have a brand-new product or technology requirement that is forcing a migration into the cloud? Begin with the company motives and use cases for your organisation. Establish this first. Build your needs doc.

As soon as you know, your workloads and your own needs, it’s exceedingly beneficial to make a cloud migration program that breaks the migration down into various workload priorities and phases. You will also want to study potential CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) that can meet your requirements from a service offering, cost, management level, location, and compliance and regulatory perspective.

  • Create a Cloud Governance Framework:

The Cloud Computing Governance Framework Includes the decision rights and Responsibility of the Company Associated to Cloud Calculating.

This is particularly critical, and it can’t be emphasised enough. Safety and compliance are significant to all organisations, whatever the vertical or business they’re in. This is only amplified when your company is reputable with personally identifiable information (PII) such as emails, phone numbers, credit card information, social security numbers, tax information, and healthcare records.

The development and execution of a cloud management framework can help direct your whole company using clear, policy-based fundamentals to encourage secure cloud adoption. Input and comments from the staff and other groups spanning IT into DevOps, SysOps, and SecOps will help build a useful cloud management framework and strategy.

Cloud governance ought to be an extension of your IT governance. It takes into careful consideration of these inherent risks and risks posed by both external and internal sources. It features an abundance of details like structures, functions, duties, policies, strategies, goals, principles, steps, in addition to a deciding frame. 

  • Define Network & Bandwidth Requirements:

Will the cloud impede the operation of your current network? Can it create bottlenecks? Yes. It is the cloud, after all, and accessible from anywhere with an online connection and the ideal authorisations to access infrastructure.

Many businesses experience challenges by not going ahead with the increased strain on the network from cloud adoption. Backups of those files happen once or twice a day and most probably during off-peak times. Bandwidth is primarily used for emails, voice, conferencing, obtaining software, and the world wide web.

Now imagine that you have your entire office generating files and storing them in the cloud. The files are being stored, synced, and uploaded to the cloud. They are also being downloaded in the cloud back to local machines. Your company is also using bandwidth for mails, voice, conferencing, accessing software, and the world wide web.

Luckily, there are choices. Nearly all large CSPs offer dedicated internet links to their cloud infrastructure.

  • Create Organization & User Trainings:

Since many organisations have a skills gap and insufficient specialised cloud expertise, it is sensible to train employees and staff on the cloud whenever possible. Produce a string of cloud training beginning with the cloud management frame and work towards user-defined training about the cloud providers that they could interact with most frequently in their role.

Cross-training is essential for understanding the various areas of cloud surroundings and different user roles and duties related to each.

  • Determine Software Licensing Portability:

Software licensing for the cloud brings similar comparisons to streaming audio or music files before that was a thing. Significant roadblocks can appear when an organisation doesn’t evaluate or program for software licensing problems. Do your current requirements for on-premise applications extend in the cloud? These allow your organisation to express consent to migrate their applications to your cloud.

Avoid this documenting all enterprise programs before your Cloud migration. Figure out if the licenses are mobile to the cloud. If uncertain, talk to the vendor to discover if the current licenses you’ve purchased can be upgraded for the program for use from the cloud. Software Asset Management (SAM) tools can prove helpful in reducing risks, expenses, and complexities associated with extending license management to your cloud.

  • Leverage Automation & Migration Tools:

Downtime and service disturbance isn’t something you wish to explain to a boss or supervisors. Fortunately, many CSPs provide migration and automation templates and tools to aid with your cloud migration. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are used in several cloud solutions to automate, right-size, and also set up workloads into your cloud.

You will find hundreds and perhaps thousands of predefined host templates, images, and safety policies that you could customise and use to make your cloud infrastructure and virtual personal cloud atmosphere.

  • Monitor Cloud Usage:

Are your cloud costs skyrocketing out of control? Budgets out of whack? This shouldn’t be the case, but unfortunately, it’s for many organisations. All major CSPs offer cloud monitoring and budgeting services. One of the first things that you ought to do when adapting to the cloud will be setting up budgets and alarms based on cloud infrastructure costs or usage.

All of us know that the cloud is scalable, and this is usually a good thing. However, what if it is a malicious attack that auto-scales your infrastructure? This could be an awful thing for your financial plan.

Another advantage of this cloud is performance. It’s also highly configurable, and you’re able to leverage numerous cloud services to meet performance requirements or cost goals. Leverage your current data on use to determine a standard for your cloud. 

  • Managed Services & Support:

Will your cloud surroundings be handled or managed? Will certain services be handled while others are unmanaged? Are you going to purchase managed services for your cloud by another party or depend on the service offered by your CSP? For many businesses, this is determined by internal tools and cloud expertise as well as budget.

One significant complaint from several organisations during cloud migration is cloud suppliers’ lack of service during the cloud adoption process. For that reason, it’s crucial to determine your managed service demands. organisations

Conclusion: Cloud Migrations Require Planning

The 8 steps in this blog cover a whole lot of ground, but there are certainly other things you should think about during your cloud migration. Creating, protecting and secure cloud surroundings, for example, is a vital portion of cloud migration. Luckily, the major cloud suppliers provide essential tools and resources to help you build and maintain a secure system.

Planning for your cloud migration is essential to your success. Don’t rush it, and be aware that the cloud might not be the solution for every application or workload. We have seen over a couple of businesses go all-in on the cloud only to rip it out and return to actual servers, storage devices, and colocation. Why? The primary culprit has been out of management cloud prices, which were sudden and unmanageable.

How can United Private Cloud help with you in cloud migration?

United Private Cloud has an entirely operated business support service for 24/7/365 with 15 min time for response together with expert escalation every half an hour.

With 99.999% high availability N+M clusters, United Private Cloud has a computing, software-defined network, and storage services. Our great sense of customer project recognition means that we are continually working to provide solutions. This sense of identity also implies that we respect and facilitate smooth communication with the teams of our customers and guarantee that the best value is received.

Companies are opting for United Private Cloud to receive gains in performances, cost reduction, adapt quickly to unforeseen contingencies, and overcome data sovereignty effectively along with worldwide enforcement requirements. To better understand what else United Private Cloud has in store for you, register today for a free preview.

What do we know about Network File Systems in cloud computing?

What do we know about Network File Systems in cloud computing?

The Network File System (NFS) is a client/server program that allows a user to access files on a remote computer as if they were on the user’s own computer and store and update them optionally. The NFS protocol is one of several network-attached storage (NAS) distributed file system standards.

NFS enables the user or system administrator to install all or a portion of a file system to a server (designated as accessible). Clients with whatever rights are allocated to each file (read-only or read-write) will access the portion of the file system that’s installed. NFS routes requests between clients and servers using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs).

Sun Microsystems, which created the Network File System, was the first popular distributed system to be credited to (NFS). For many years, NFSv2 was the standard protocol, developed with the goal of easy and fast server crash recovery. In multi-client and single-server based network architectures, this aim is of utmost importance since a single instant server crash ensures that all customers are not serviced. The whole system is goes down.

What are the advantages of a Network File System?

  • An advantage of NFS is that it uses the existing IP infrastructure; NFS is a low-cost network file sharing solution that is easy to set up. 
  • A significant benefit of NFS is that it facilitates central management, eliminating the need for individual user systems for added software and disk space. 
  • NFS is user-friendly, enabling users to access files on remote hosts in the same way as local files are accessed. As fewer CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray disks, diskettes, and USB drives are in circulation, this decreases the need for portable media storage devices and increases security. 

The first two NFS protocol versions were categorized as NFS version1, then NFS v2 or RFC-1094 (1989) and NFS v3 or RFC-18133 were published by the IETF after 1989 (1995). Both NFS v2 and NFS v3 have been widely used in the IT industry and have become the traditional file-sharing protocol in the UNIX world. In 2000, via RFC 3010, NFS v4 was introduced. 

The current version of NFS is also called NFS v4 but was implemented through RFC 3530. In 2003, it was published. Since then, compared to early NFS v4, NFS v4 has improved a lot in terms of optional features, such as protection, caching, locking, and message communication performance. While NFS has PC capabilities, it has often been treated as a file-oriented protocol rather than the PC environment for UNIX and Linux operating systems.

Companies are opting for United Private Cloud to receive gains in performances, cost reduction, adapt quickly to unforeseen contingencies, and overcome data sovereignty effectively along with worldwide enforcement requirements. 

To have a better understanding of what else United Private Cloud has in store for you, register today for a free preview.

Eliminate IT And Business Management Hassles With The Right Cloud Strategy!

Eliminate IT And Business Management Hassles With The Right Cloud Strategy!

Cloud computing has gone from being the new kid on the block to being the seasoned expert that has revamped current IT and business strategies. From being a tool that aided digital businesses, cloud computing now helps organizations enhance their applications across the board. Cloud computing is a necessity; indeed, it is so commonplace that businesses of all sizes are adopting a cloud-first or a cloud-only approach. Gartner estimates that less than one-third of enterprises have a documented cloud strategy, which shows the extent to which such a powerful tool is being underutilized. Cloud computing helps organizations heavily reduce their capital expenditure, but it also reduces management, monitoring, and governance efforts. It is the one-stop solution for companies to simplify their ever-growing overcomplicated IT.

Cloud providers help you simplify your IT resources and ensure that you have cloud experts expediting deployment, operations, and troubleshooting. It means that your data is as secure as possible, especially with a private cloud deployment. Besides the cost savings on hosting your IT on the cloud, it eliminates the hassles associated with scaling the data center as your business grows. Data is much more mobile with the cloud that optimizes collaboration like never before. Contingency plans need to be put in place for eventualities that can disrupt the business and the workplace, as cloud computing offers a robust Business Continuity plan—the extent of observability and monitoring that cloud offers organizations is a competitive advantage like no other.

Gartner states that through 2024, 80% of companies that do not adequately operate and utilize their cloud resources will overspend by 20 to 50%. Implementing a cloud strategy requires organizations to effectively utilize their resources by clearly demarcating the resources as per the requirements of the applications and business departments. Organizations can follow some best practices that use their cloud resources effectively. Organizations need to align the priorities of cloud adoption effectively. A standard guideline ensures that any misaligned objectives can prevent delays in any deployment, hinders the scaling of cloud resources effectively. The lesson that most organizations need to learn is this: what makes cloud the right solution for your company is the way you adapt to it. 

Several strategies can help companies test the waters, a cloud-first or a cloud-only strategy needs to be assessed and tested; it makes a world of difference in the way that your business can adapt to it. When it comes to cloud computing, there is only one key differentiator: Strategy. Identifying the right candidate workloads for testing or deployment is often the first step that most organizations consider. While it is vital to ensure that companies pick the right cloud service provider, it is essential to understand that cloud is not just a technical tool, it aids management directly and should be assessed as such. The business value of your cloud workloads, figure out which of your workloads are ready for the cloud. It saves more time and money in migration and reduces additional efforts on behalf of companies. You can have one size that kind of fits all or a customized approach that solves all your IT hassles. There is only one way to achieve this; you guessed it. Strategy.

Visit the United Private Cloud website today, to get a complete IT Estate Assessment that helps you navigate a seamless cloud adoption strategy.

IaaS: An Agile Approach to Cloud Computing

IaaS: An Agile Approach to Cloud Computing

Business owners usually have to spend a lot of time, money, and energy making technology-related decisions and recruiting staff to manage and maintain their IT infrastructure. By opting for a service-based IaaS model, business organizations can concentrate their time and resources on where they are required. Like all cloud computing services, IaaS provides users access to computing resources in a virtualized environment. This is done through a public connection, usually through the internet. IaaS provides the users the access to the virtualized environment for establishing their own IT platforms.

IaaS provides resources that mainly belong to virtualized hardware, also known as the computing infrastructure. The IaaS environment offerings include network connections, virtual server space, load balancers, and IP addresses. In physical terms, the cloud service provider extracts the pool of hardware resources from a group of servers and networks that are usually spread across various data centers. The cloud service provider is responsible for managing all the resources.

Transform your SAP landscape with enhanced availability, performance, and security. We help enterprises enhance performance by taking away the responsibility of managing data centers to support their SAP investments through a high-performance software-defined cloud solution at the most cost-effective price points. Fast-track your cloud adoption, control costs, minimize risk, and take the burden off your IT team by moving your SAP workloads to G3 private cloud, a highly secure enterprise-grade private cloud. Our customers run their mission-critical SAP workloads on a highly available and resilient private cloud environment that comes with 99.999% uptime SLA. Customers experience fully managed 24×7 support with a 15-min response time SLA along with our fully managed backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity processes in place.

To reinvent your enterprise, make it agile and connected to prevail the digital economy, we offer a comprehensive set of integrated, subscription-based compute, storage, and networking services that enable businesses to run their Oracle enterprise workloads in a highly secure and resilient private cloud environment that comes with a 99.999% uptime SLA.

Our G3 private cloud IaaS for hosting Oracle applications is architected like a public cloud and designed for high scalability, increased agility at lower costs (30% lower than leading cloud providers).

Visit our website at for more information on how IaaS can assist a lean and agile IT structure!