Edge Computing: Quicker, Smarter, and More Sustainable

Edge Computing: Quicker, Smarter, and More Sustainable

Keeping data and technologies in action substantially impacts global energy consumption. Edge computing – processing information close to the edge where it is used – could provide a new solution for significantly reducing global energy usage. 

This blog will present you with an overview of the complexities of Edge computing solutions, which is connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Wristbands that analyze our health, self-cleaning robots, smart traffic lights that control traffic, agricultural drones for harvesting, and so on. More and more internet-connected devices are increasingly surrounding us. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the fundamental technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it is set to shape the future.  

“Thanks to the combination of AI, machine learning, and real-time data processes delivered by IoT solutions, the number of cellular IoT devices is set to grow substantially. According to current statistics on IoT devices, the number will surpass 3.5 billion by 2023

This massive amount of data is stored and processed in data centers to implement developments, and it is a crucial component of Cloud Computing. However, the large amount of data generated is a costly, time-consuming, and energy-intensive process. This is where cutting-edge technologies like Edge Computing solutions come into play. 

Edge Computing Architecture: 

Edge computing architecture refers to an ecosystem of infrastructure components that have been dispersed from a data center to all edge locations—as part of a company’s overall deployment. 

This includes compute and storage capabilities, applications, devices, sensors, and network connectivity to the central data center or cloud, which is used in conjunction with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. 

Edge computing solutions from United Private Cloud make operations easier by automating provisioning, management, and orchestration, allowing you to focus on the primary tasks of your organization. We can assist you in overcoming the hurdles of deploying edge devices wherever you need them, anywhere in the world, by collaborating with an ecosystem of partners to create the optimal edge stack for your business. 

Benefits of Edge Computing Solutions :

  • Improved Reliability: Edge computing architecture is more resilient than centralized systems because it distributes processing tasks over the network. Edge computing frameworks are also much less consolidated. Many vital services can still be delivered on edge, even if the core servers are forced to go offline for a brief time.
  • Cybersecurity: Since the information is distributed across multiple devices, there will be less data in cloud environments, so the damage will be minimal if one environment is attacked.
  • Enhanced Speed: Since data is processed at the source, the proximity of response enables the existence of valuable things like self-driving cars and emergency life-saving types of equipment.
  • Bandwidth Relief: The overall traffic volume going to and from central servers is reduced by retaining more data on the network edge. This frees up much-needed bandwidth across the entire system, removing bottlenecks and processing tasks that aren’t necessary.
  • Improved Data Management: A well-designed edge computing network can better manage that data by combining local devices with edge data center resources. Instead of sending all that data back to the core, edge networks can process some of it locally and only send certain data types. This frees up critical network processing resources and increases the quality of data insights generated by big data applications.

Edge computing solutions thus complement cloud sustainability and cloud computing by enhancing device usefulness while still transmitting data to the cloud for further analysis and improvements. 

Impacts of edge computing benefits in cloud sustainability 

More sustainable IoT Projects: The growth of internet networks and devices presents several questions about data transmission and storage efficiency. It’s not practical to move all data to the cloud because there’s a lot of data that are either not worth storing or take up too much server space that could be better used. Edge computing solutions are becoming more significant as organizations increasingly rely on big data to streamline operations. Edge computing is also a long-term solution since it decreases network congestion by sending data directly from one node to another instead of sending it to the cloud. 

Reducing distance & traffic: Edge computing solutions reduces the distance between data-transferring nodes. It also reduces the amount of traffic that travels across the network, allowing you to conserve bandwidth or put it to better use.  As edge computing devices have limited resources, each device should be optimized for efficiency to save energy while maintaining adequate processing power.

Here are a few fundamental ways that edge computing’s efficiency benefits contribute to cloud sustainability: 

  • Remote Work: Data exchange capabilities are useful for remote work in both cloud and edge computing. Currently, the cloud has made remote work possible, which has helped reduce cloud carbon footprint by eliminating physical commutes, resulting in the release of tons of CO2 due to traffic congestion. 
  • Air Quality: IoT data can aid in improving indoor air quality and the reduction of harmful emissions into the environment. Energy and other operational costs have also been reduced owing to edge computing devices.
  • Smart City Development: IoT devices strategically placed throughout smart city infrastructure reduce traffic congestion, pollutants, and idle wait times. Smart parking meters have also enabled people to plan trips more efficiently, reducing time spent driving about and wasting gas looking for a parking space. 
  • Faster Response Time: Sensors, satellites, and drones equipped with edge computing capabilities are assisting utilities in responding faster to energy disruptions. Furthermore, the growth of software-based detection systems combined with AI technology is helping analysts in detecting natural calamities such as wildfires more quickly.  
  • Reversing Climate Change: The collection of digital intelligence at network edges has the potential to help reverse climate change. Two-way smart grids can notify decision-makers of potential environmental harm. When the primary grid goes down, utilities can immediately switch to renewable energy sources.

Keep on reading: Edge Cloud: Transcending Geographical Boundaries 

Future of Edge Computing’s Role in Cloud Sustainability 

Gartner predicts that by 2025, three-quarters of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed at the edge – outside a traditional centralized data center or cloud.”

Edge computing solutions are expected to become increasingly prevalent as society dives further into big data. Environmental activist groups are already watching the IT industry contributing to cloud carbon footprint. This is because population and energy consumption are predicted to skyrocket in the following decades. Edge computing solutions are gaining traction, especially among businesses that generate and transfer large amounts of data. While the cloud is useful, it does not have to be the central location for all data. You can conserve bandwidth using data collection devices that handle processing and storage, which is the foundation of edge computing solutions.  

How does United Private Cloud make Edge Computing even more sustainable?  

With excellent performance on small devices and quick data synchronization, United Private Cloud enhances the Edge Computing benefits, making it an even more sustainable solution. 

UnitedEdge is a Fully Managed Edge Cloud Service that provides a connection to your private cloud and becomes a seamless extension to your on-prem private cloud. Seamlessly integrate your leading public cloud solutions like Amazon, Azure, Google into any hybrid cloud configurations such as Google Anthos and Amazon Outpost.  

Ready to redeem the power of Edge Computing? Contact us now! 

Know Everything About Recent Price Changes By One Of A Major Public Cloud Service Provider

Know Everything About Recent Price Changes By One Of A Major Public Cloud Service Provider

The cloud industry has been bustling around from the moment Google released a new notice on its  Google Cloud pricing. With new rates announced across various fundamental services, the search giant’s cloud infrastructure services will cost more as compared to before. For the existing customers, the google cloud price increase is not less than a nightmare, and for the one who is in thought of migrating to the google cloud platform for storage, computing, network, and other such services may fall in a setback. Google cloud pricing is mostly leaned towards the pay-as-you-go model from the initial days. Though there is a substantial increase in cost range, their core model is not altered, and that’s something where existing users can take a breath.  

If you are not sure how these Google Cloud price changes affect your business, stay with us until the end because we are bringing you the why, how, & when factors of these Google Cloud price changes via this blog.  

A note for Google Cloud customers 

We are not surprised to say that the entire cloud fraternity is amused with this move of Google Cloud pricing change. Because as per trends, users were expecting lower costs while renting cloud infrastructures in the long run, but all of sudden Google Cloud platform has made them speechless. However, in a statement from the Google Cloud website, it is noted that  

“Some of these changes will provide new, lower-cost options and features for Google Cloud products. Other changes will raise prices on certain products” – statement by a Google Cloud official.   

Before you frame an opinion on how these latest changes may affect your business, you need to understand exactly why & what changes are made in the google cloud price offerings.  

Why did Google Cloud make price changes?  

According to Google, these sharp changes in google cloud pricing are due to the addition of innovations, use cases & services such as – new flexible options in Cloud Storage, data mobility, Persistent Disk snapshots, network load balancing, and elements of the Network Intelligence Center. They believe that as businesses move towards the multicloud approach, these latest changes give users more flexibility and competitive pricing approaches by comparing the prices of services to other cloud service providers.   

What are the changes in Google Cloud pricing?  

Here is a sneak peek of some of the notable changes made in revised Google Cloud price increases and not to forget these changes will be in effect from October 1st of 2022.  

Cloud storage pricing changes:

The Google cloud price change of storage is for data mobility, including data replication written to a dual- or multi-region storage bucket and inter-region data access.  

  • Nearline storage and archive storage pricing will see a rise in cost in the US, EU, and Asia multi regions. 
  • Whereas coldline storage pricing will increase in the Asia multi-region.  
  • Standard replication pricing in the US, NAM4, EU and EUR4 locations will rise.  
  • Archive Storage at-rest storage pricing in the NAM4, EUR4, and ASIA1 will decrease.  

Load balancing price changes:  

From the cut-off date mentioned, as a part of revised Google Cloud price change, users can observe a trend of getting charged for outbound data processing at a fee of $0.008 to $0.012 per GB, based on a specific region.  

Persistent Disk snapshot price changes:  

The Persistent disk snapshot prices for Google cloud compute are revised where there are some cost-effective archive solutions, and some are with increased regional and multi-regional snapshot storage pricing.  

  • There are currently plans to launch a low-cost archive snapshot capability, and it is expected to roll out from the second half of 2022. 
  • Regional and multi-regional archive snapshot pricing will increase accordingly on their base price. 
  • Archive snapshots now will have a minimum billing period of 90 days.  
  • Regional and multi-regional standard snapshot pricing will increase.  
  • Standard snapshot storage will have a minimum billing period of 1 hour.  

Network topology price changes:  

Last year Google Cloud announced a free of charge network topology visualization tool; however, from the mentioned cut-off date, October 1st, 2022, it is no longer a free tool, charges are incurred based on connectivity tests, firewall insights, and performance dashboards based on the number of resource-hours for the resource types.  

Google Cloud bills – are they increasing or decreasing? 

According to the Google Cloud website, the impact of the pricing changes depends on the client’s use cases and usage. It may decrease for some users and may be high for others. Like multi-region Nearline storage, core storage features will see at least a 50% price increase. Google Cloud’s Coldline Storage Class, A operations pricing, will increase from $0.10 to $0.20 per 10,000 operations. Finally, Network Topology, which was previously available for free, will now be a premium service, with customers paying $0.0011 per resource hour consumed. Moreover, all these updates give us a sense that the revised prices lean more towards the price increase curve. 

How will Google Cloud price changes impact its customers?  

With the new Google Cloud price increase now, customers will be forced to be in a state where they need to adapt their portfolios and usage to decrease costs for a safer side, as these changes are very new. Still, it will be a burden to hold on for the customers.

It may not be astonishing to say that customers are already searching for some alternative solutions for tackling situations like this. In a statement from Google official it is said that the recent Google Cloud price changes are made keeping to meet the best demands of its customer and to better align in terms of pricing and offerings with other major public cloud providers like AWS, Azure in the market.

Is public cloud getting expensive in future?

According to a survey of 2021, it states that 77% of companies using cloud were surprised with their cloud expenses and some insights also states that $26.6 Billion worth of cloud resources are unused in public cloud by 2021. These stats are true to their findings, as public cloud cost management is  complex, companies suffered $ 14.45 billion wastage on idle resources, $8.7 billion due to overprovisioning, $3.4 billion wasted on orphaned volumes and snapshots in the year 2021 alone ( as per data sourced from Gartner and figures estimated by B2C )

Coming back to our question, the one answer we can surely say is ‘yes’ public cloud cost can become too expensive, if it is not governed and managed effectively. You may argue with us that there are certainly public cloud management tools to effectively track and monitor your public cloud cost & resources but here you also need to pin the point that certainly these tools do also come with some sort of pricing for its usage which again adds on to your cloud budget.

Also, we can see that there are some recent announcement of price increase from major public cloud providers like Google Cloud, IBM on DB2 warehouse on cloud AWS are also hints us that there certainly possibilities some price changes may come from other players and you can’t deny it too. However relying on only public cloud for your cloud usage is surely a cash burn in the the long haul.

Paradigm shift from public clouds is a new cloud trend

Though public clouds has its own advantages and flaws still public cloud expenditures makes dents in software companies’ bottom line and market share. Because it need a proper cost governance and optimization approaches. And over the year we have noticed a trend where numerous companies drop public clouds partially or in a full pledge to avoid certain public cloud challenges like vendor lock-ins, cost managements, resource controls, etc. We are supporting our above statement with a classic example of this trend.

A classic example 

Dropbox is the one of the best example where after it bids farewell to AWS public cloud and setting up their own infrastructure using combinations on-prem, private cloud models has significantly saved around $75 million over two years and there are numerous companies which are following the same paths of cloud repatriation.

What can customers think of as an alternative solution? 

It’s not absurd to say that the one best alternative solution to tackle these uncertainties put forward on customers by these public cloud service providers is a dedicated private cloud service.  

Yes, that is true to stress here that the private cloud gives users more flexibility in terms of pricing, infrastructures, services, and many more. In fact, a private cloud will have greater control over it than a public cloud because they operate completely on your terms and choices. Say no to vendor lock-ins since private clouds are extremely available, customizable, and portable. 

Now many of you may not be fully keen to leverage either only a public cloud or a private cloud completely, so how about the mix of both worlds giving you hybrid advantages. Since it is the era of hybrid cloud, it is not just a strategic move anymore but merely a need to adapt to these changes. 

“What you may get in a public cloud, many are not in a private cloud and vice versa, but you can certainly enjoy both worlds via the hybrid cloud. “ 

Key benefits of private cloud VS public cloud: 

  • Fully flexible with low latency and on-demand scalability
  • Highly available with low down times and supports critical workload customizations
  • Greater control of your assets where you manage your most of your services unlike public clouds
  • Reduced prices on a long term usage as compared to public clouds with flexible and standard packages
  • Managed security with clear understanding of roles and responsibilities between customers & private cloud service providers


Keeping all the benefits of cloud computing but with greater controls, cost savings and security of an enterprise-grade private cloud infrastructure, United Private Cloud offer its users a dedicated software defined private cloud solution ‘G3 private Cloud’, powered by VMware, Hyper-V, OpenStack. It delivers high performance, availability, scalability, reliability, and connectivity to all major public clouds giving you a hybrid way. Comes with guaranteed availability of 99.999% with N+M clusters, multi cloud software defined edge cloud, multifactor WAN connector with SD-WAN acceleration, multi cloud connectivity, and fully flexible RAM size configurations without lock-ins on specific VM type.  

Our Promise: 

  • 30% lower cost than the leading public clouds 
  • Enables you gain performance advantages 
  • Rapidly respond to unpredictable demand 
  • Easily solve data sovereignty and compliance requirements. 

We specialize in hybrid hosting solutions. Contact us to know more about how we can unify these disparate cloud architectures for you. 

5 Private Cloud Trends in 2022 That Will Pay Off

5 Private Cloud Trends in 2022 That Will Pay Off

A few years ago, cloud, whether public or private, solutions were buzzwords. Many technology thought leaders predicted that these would be the industry’s “next big thing”. Fast forward to the year 2020, the prediction came into fruition with businesses adopting data-driven models, remote and hybrid work environments, and global supply networks. A study states that the global private cloud solution market alone, valued at $3,703 million in 2016, is estimated to reach $14,111 million in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 21.1% from 2017 to 2023. There are similar figures for hybrid cloud management, edge computing, and public cloud, which only establishes that these solutions are seen as a critical component for companies who wish to work smarter and accomplish projects more quickly.

Most businesses have speeded up their cloud journey to enable new ways of working and developing future resilience. They’ve come a long way, but there’s still a lot of ground to cover. Cloud computing is not a one-time endeavour. It’s a lifelong commitment, similar to learning a language. Companies need to keep refining their approach to achieve excellence. Hence, there is a need for a paradigm shift from cloud migration to modernization. With that focus in mind, these are the top trends emerging this year of 2022.

– Rise of Hybrid Cloud and hybrid cloud management platforms

Cost is the key factor for many companies who are migrating to the cloud. Therefore hybrid cloud becomes the most preferable choice in terms of higher security and being cost effective to scale operations and meet higher demands. Additionally, with the rise of multi-cloud, IT infrastructures have become more complex to handle. As of now, hybrid cloud is at an early adoption stage, and organizations across all verticals are implementing it to support their remote workforce. As per a report, a rapid increase in the private cloud solution adoption is driving the hybrid cloud market. This market is only expected to touch an aggregate of $241.13 billion by 2022. It’s only logical to infer that the technical aspects require to handle hybrid cloud will lead the companies to choose various hybrid cloud management tools based on their advantages such as:

A. Aggregating services: Shows services and applications running on multiple cloud environments in one place and allows them to be managed as a single unit.
B. Managing costs: Allows users to set flexible policies for cost across cloud solutions and maximize the return on investment.
C. Self-servicing with ease: Allows users to run, consume, and terminate workloads without them having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.
D.Migrating workloads: Provides automation, fast and low-risk options for migrating workloads from private to public cloud environments and vice versa.

– Popularity of Kubernetes

The renowned container orchestration platform – Kubernetes is set to have its breakout year in 2022. Kubernetes, which was first released as an open-source project by Google in 2014 and is now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, automates several activities related to the administration and deployment of containerized applications. Developers are increasingly drawn to the platform because it enables a new approach to application development based on a microservices architecture. It is all due to the fact that K8s provide a perfect and consolidated API for deployment and containers. According to a study, which was based on responses from 3,800 people between November 2020 and February 2021, 31 percent of all backend engineers utilize Kubernetes currently, equating to almost 5.6 million developers globally. The figures emphasize that enterprises have made significant progress in adopting cloud-native technologies in public, private, and hybrid environments. Kubernetes private cloud cluster assures efficient deployment and a fully budget-friendly management cost, making it a go-to solution for this year.

– Fast emerging dedicated private cloud services

Popular cloud service providers such as UnitedPrivateCloud, Cisco Systems, Dell Inc., HP Inc, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, and others offer private cloud services such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS to host, manage, and operate all types of cloud services in a private deployment model. Private cloud services offer all types of users, including large and small and medium businesses, convenient access to servers, networks, and storage either on premises or on a separate infrastructure which is provided by these cloud providers. Allied Market Research’s findings state that due to the rise in ICT expenditure by governments in various developed and developing regions, such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, the global private cloud services market is predicted to grow rapidly. A report from Infoholic Research suggests that Dedicated (Private) Cloud Services, which comprises hosted private cloud services and the fast-growing Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure–as-a-Service (DCIaaS) segment, would expand at a quicker 31.0 percent CAGR in 2021, although from a considerably smaller revenue base of $5 billion. The reason behind this is simple, migrating workloads from public to private cloud solutions ensures tailored services, less risky, and better performance. An enterprise-grade private cloud such as UnitedPrivateCloud has such advantages and even more with a guaranteed 30% lower costs than the leading public clouds.

– Edge computing is set for growth

There has been an abundance of the usage of smart devices which has put a strain on internet infrastructure, leading cloud-based companies to adapt and find new avenues to serve their customers. With edge computing, storing and processing data as close to the end user, this ever expanding requirement of real-time data and localized actions are being met. In fact, edge computing is getting traction in industry 4.0. Analytics insight states that the worldwide market for this technology is estimated to reach 10.9 billion USD this year, growing at a CAGR rate of 14%. The solutions backed up with this technology can take many forms be it from mobile in a vehicle or smartphone or static as a part of a building management system, manufacturing plant, or off-shore oil rig. They can also be used as a mixture of these two dynamics to be used in hospital or other medical settings. These diverse applications make edge computing more promising and expansive.

– Cloud security at the center of focus

The last 2 decades have been all about the booming of cloud computing. A lot of innovation has happened so far along the lines of serverless pieces of technology to the evolution of cloud automated security. On the plus side, these advancements have led to companies being more agile and reducing their costs of operation. On the flip side, the cloud computing progress has also led to an increase of the attack surfaces. That’s why organizations must have the right tools and processes in place to manage and secure their data throughout their cloud journey. MarketWatch predicts that the cloud security market size is expected to grow from USD 4.09 billion in 2017 to USD 12.73 billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.5%. The report further states that factors such as increased adoption of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Internet of Things (IoT0 trends, rise in adoption of cloud-based security solutions, increasing demand for cloud computing & increasing government initiatives, and emergence of smart cities are driving this exponential growth.

It goes without saying that the cloud helps employees, customers, and partners have better experiences. However, in order to achieve this, companies must foster a cloud culture in which employees welcome change and aren’t scared to try new things. The key to mastering cloud solutions in 2022 and beyond will be a cycle of continual learning, feedback, and innovation — with the correct controls in place.

UnitedLayer: 2021 Year At A Glance

UnitedLayer: 2021 Year At A Glance

Revisiting UnitedLayer’s Productive 2021

We have all experienced how the Covid19 pandemic has reformed the way organizations operate and work. The rise in remote workers who use conferencing and collaborative services puts pressure on back-end support services and increases traffic on networks that link users to these services. It’s now inevitable that cloud computing is no longer a “nice-to-have” infrastructure but a “must-have” one to make businesses scalable and resilient enough to handle this increased demand. Cloud underlies and accelerates the technology adoption required to fulfill these new scale demands in industries ranging from healthcare to retail, ensuring that organizations can efficiently sustain these efforts in the future.

As a company that focuses on aiding companies to be cloud-ready, we witnessed several notable achievements. Let’s have a look at our 2021 highlights.

Our 2021 biggest achievements

UnitedLayer was felicitated as “Best Cloud-Based Data Center Solutions Provider – West Coast USA” by “Corporate Vision”, which was a massive pat on the back for our efforts going in the right direction this year. Our portfolio increased to 23 customers; we expanded our reach to 20 new data centers and over 100 edge data centers across five continents to provide colocation and private cloud access to even the remotest clients. We also introduced new products to handle the fluctuated demands and support increased requests such as those created by the COVID-19 crisis. In totality, we emerged as the go-to cloud service provider supporting transformative digital business practices and breaking new grounds to offer innovative solutions aiding customer growth, stability, and robustness.

    A glimpse of our products and services


    • UnitedLayer: An enterprise-grade colocation service provider that operates from 20 cloud data centers and 100+ edge data centers from 5 continents all across the globe. It delivers pre-built connectivity to AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI and over 300+ carriers. It enables customers to connect their colocation facility into a network connectivity fabric and launch public clouds across various regions to provide distributed connectivity. Its key industries include BFSI, Public Sector, Retail, TMT, Logistics, and Oil & Gas, with over 250 enterprise and government customers. 
    • United Private Cloud: A software-defined G3 private cloud infrastructure-as-a-service that delivers 99.999% high availability, software-defined agility, and scalability with high performance (all-flash storage ranging from 1K-100K+ IOPS on 10g/40g/100g network fabric infrastructure) and locked down security. It empowers organizations to gain performance advantages, lower costs, rapidly respond to unpredictable demand, and quickly solve data sovereignty and compliance requirements. Our G3 Private Cloud is available globally across five continents in 20 data centers. It is the underlying private cloud for many foremost Global System Integrators, serving hundreds of enterprises. 
    • UnityOneCloud: A SaaS based MultiCloud management platform for managing your Real Hybrid Cloud environment, data centers, power distribution units (PDUs), bare-metal servers, networking devices, private clouds (VMware, OpenStack, Hyper-V, Oracle VM), and public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI).  It provides a single pane of glass to manage a real-world hybrid cloud & MultiCloud environment with the most comprehensive DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) and CMP (Cloud Management Platform) capabilities. UnityOneCloud allows customers to observe their hardware assets, overlay a heat map of assets, and perform health checks on all hardware assets. It has 800+ API connectors to allow integration with all major cloud providers globally. Users can also manage their entire infrastructure and raise a request to customize their services.

    Our newest product launches and  service updates

    • Edge cloud launch: To combat centralized cloud computing, resulting in compromised speed and availability to the users, we launched UnitedEdge. It’s a fully Managed Edge Cloud Service that enables you to connect to your private cloud and becomes a seamless extension to your on-prem private cloud. UnitedEdge can seamlessly integrate your leading public cloud solutions like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It is a Software-as-a-Service Solution (SaaS) that works on Cost-effective Commodity Hardware and delivers both High-Performance Virtual Machines and Containers as a Service. 
    • UnitedMac cloud service launch: To help customers in their Continuous Integration (CI) with cloud Mac Mini devices, test applications on iOS stimulators and macOS instances, and remotely accessing Mac Mini devices we came up with next-gen Mac Mini cloud services. UnitedMac is an ideal platform for developing software, building cross-platform applications, and automating application testing on Mac Mini devices remotely from anywhere. It enables customers to create, collaborate and share the most secure, reliable, and scalable Mac mini cloud solution. It has highly secure and resilient high-speed network access, 24/7/365 technical support, secure & compliant data centers, and unified management of complete infrastructure.  
    • Oracle Unity integration: The amalgamation of Oracle cloud with our UnityOneCloud SaaS MultiCloud management and DCIM solution offers customers the flexibility to manage and monitor their OCI footprint. UnityOneCloud dashboard now has a cloud widget of Oracle to show VMs count and status, managed DB accounts, bucket counts, and HTTP monitors. It enables users to list buckets, file objects, and upload files to OCI object storage. The cost analysis module has also integrated with Oracle public cloud billing. It enables users to view the summary of their cloud usage bills, cost breakdown by service and regions, trailing twelve months cost, month to date charge, etc.
    • VMware ESXi Monitoring & Management: The integration of ESXi cloud with UnityOne solution gives users the feasibility to view this private cloud’s utilization summary and offers individual ESXi host utilization with real-time data. There’s a drill-down feature available on the Summary page and Hypervisors tab that provides users the insights into this cloud’s respective Virtual Machines. 

    Our global location map 

    Like any other year, we continued to support the IT infrastructure via innovative cloud approaches, thereby aiding them in ‘keeping the lights on’ for organizations around the globe. However, we owe all the success to the driven and forward-thinking people behind the company who have relentlessly ideated and executed to make this year a huge success. Our future looks promising with newer roadmaps to create technological footprints.

    Common Mistakes Made When Building An On-Premises Private Cloud Infrastructure

    Common Mistakes Made When Building An On-Premises Private Cloud Infrastructure

    A private cloud is a scalable hosting solution providing your business with agility and redundancy in the IT infrastructure. Private cloud solutions are suitable for businesses with large computing and storage requirements, need to respond promptly to innovation, or have control, security, and compliance requirements. It’s not easy to build an on-site infrastructure, let alone build the cloud infrastructure on top of that. 

    With greater reliability, higher availability, dynamic scalability, and resource elasticity, cloud technology provides better computing and storing data approach. Of course, the network isn’t easy to create and comes with its collection of difficulties and obstacles. Although switching to the cloud is advantageous, companies have questions about data protection and honesty, which is why companies are keen on introducing private clouds. Apart from better infrastructure control, running on a private cloud will have full security, privacy, and data sensitivity control position.

    A private cloud is costly to manage. While there is plenty of open-source Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud services available free of charge, you need to consider the direct expense of hardware leasing or ownership, data center rental, bandwidth, etc redundancy capacity just to get started. When this is in place, you must always count the indirect costs from the protection and organizational perspective to ensure that the system is stable and well maintained.

    There is a common mistake where underused or dormant instances are left running indefinitely, with no significant long-term value them. Always tag instances with a meaningful description, along with the details of the person in charge, and their termination policy (delete after 1 week after creation). Enforce more stringent rules to shut down or terminate underutilized instances to save space, CPU power, and energy. Plan a regular audit for your instances and hardware assessment to ensure that the resources are not over-/underused.

    Many companies make it a long-term error by entirely outsourcing infrastructure maintenance to others, and do not take advantage of organically building up the in-house team. We need to recruit a cloud leader at least and create a team of in-house experts around it, taking advantage of the technology that is already in place. Creating an expert team takes time to train, share expertise, and develop skills, which gradually gain experience and confidence to attain a professional level. It is the most substantial long-term investment for the company to have a large team for years or even decades to support the easily scalable cloud infrastructure. It would also keep the cloud infrastructure secure and reduce the possibility of managing confidential data on-site from external hands.

    United Private Cloud comes with all the advantages of cloud storage but with an enterprise-grade private cloud with greater controls and security. Our United Private Cloud private cloud, powered by VMware technologies, has a guaranteed 30 percent lower cost than leading public clouds. United Private Cloud helps organizations to achieve performance advantages, minimize costs, adapt rapidly to unpredictable demand, and solve data sovereignty and enforcement requirements with ease. We also include performance computing (VMware DRS) with 100K+ IOPS and 10g-100 g networking over all-flash storage, and fully customizable vCPU and RAM size configurations without lock-in to different types of VM along with adaptive resizing and optimization services.

    When moving into new technologies, such as cloud computing, there are still difficulties and obstacles. We need to understand the tradeoff and know how to use all the resources we have, so we do not make the same mistakes again.

    To get a better insight into what else G3 Silicon UnitedCloud has got in store, sign up for a free demo today.